OBS customer

Tätä OBS-asiakasta ei voida nimetä turvallisuussyistä. Kunnioitamme tätä toivomusta. Siksi tämä asiakkaan menestystarina on muotoiltu siten, että asiakkaan nimettömyys ja turvallisuus säilyvät.

Finance Inventory / MRP CRM / Sales / Marketing
Saksa Slovakia Yhdysvallat


This OBS customer approached us with already having made the decision to use Odoo. They were looking for several apps and support with customization and integration into the system. The customer's desire to directly use the fully sophisticated system was one of the cornerstones of this implementation project.


After around 1.5 years, the OBS customer was able to make full use of its new software. The implementation was a team effort, with both OBS Solutions and the customer itself taking on tasks and parts of the implementation. The customer's two largest locations went live at the same time, including the main location. Another location followed shortly afterwards. The core system consists of inventory, manufacturing, purchase, sales and accounting. Additional minor adjustments to the functions were split up and implemented by the OBS customer and OBS Solutions. The range of accounting functions was extended by OBS Finance Solutions. Upgrades are carried out by the OBS customer independently, OBS Solutions accompanies the process as an Odoo expert.

This project is characterized in particular by the in-depth software knowledge of the reflective OBS customer, who is willing to compromise and try out new approaches. Communication is extremely fruitful for both sides: coordination of tasks, responsibilities and the common thread of the project runs smoothly. As this OBS customer is an active Odoo user, he continues to train himself in the software and can carry out upgrades competently. OBS Solutions remains in the background as a professional Odoo expert and provides support as needed.

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