Inno Instrument was looking for a software that could map and manage all locations globally in one solution. The goal at the beginning was to map the company location in Germany completely in Odoo.
INNO Instrument Europe GmbH
INNO Instrument Europe GmbH is a reputed global manufacturer and supplier of various equipment to the telecommunications industry.
After about 7 months Inno Instrument was able to use their new Odoo system. This consisted essentially of inventory, sales and purchase. Minor adjustments in the CRM were related to the multicompany context, such as display and management options of different currencies or special user rights settings. Later, Inno Instrument started to move other locations to Odoo as well, this is done step by step or in groups.
Business Benefits
Inno Instrument uses a lean, low error-prone system. The customer configures the software independently. The customer also carries out the research for possible extensions and adjustments to the software independently. Inno Instrument relies on the expert opinion of OBS Solutions and hands over the programming and customization to us.
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