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Overcoming challenges and obstacles in the Odoo project

The conclusions we at OBS Solutions draw from challenges in Odoo projects.
August 2, 2023 by
Overcoming challenges and obstacles in the Odoo project
OBS Solutions GmbH, Hanna Wallulli

Overcoming challenges and obstacles in the Odoo project

As an established Odoo Gold Partner and part of the Odoo Best Partner Alliance, we contribute our broad experience to new Odoo projects. For us, this clearly includes learning from obstacles in the project process and challenging projects.
Learn more about the critical points in Odoo projects and how you can master them.

Communication is the key

Transparent, regular communication with the project owners is the indispensable cornerstone for the success of your Odoo project.
These three points fundamentally ensure transparency and progress in the project and are decisive for the success of the Odoo project:

Clear prioritization

Regular steering meetings with the project owner are mandatory for successful Odoo implementations. Odoo projects in which the implementation of the software is given high priority not only reach completion more quickly, but experience shows that such implementations also favor a high level of competence among system users. Executives who take the time to intensively deal with the software ensure an optimal basis for the use of the new software. This ensures a high level of acceptance and faster familiarization of individual employees with the new software.

Conscious decision to change

Often, companies want a better software solution but actually want to stick with the old look and functionality. However, true change is only achieved when you also break new ground.
Before implementation, all the important functions and processes of your business are discussed, and the best solution is sought. This solution can be rebuilding the old processes, but this is rarely the case. Often, Odoo has a better solution. Understanding Odoo‘s logic and learning the software are actions that differentiate successful projects from best-practice projects. Companies that consciously decide to adopt Odoo and get involved with the software discover not only optimization opportunities for their existing processes but also new features that complement their work and accelerate their business growth.

Making consistent decisions

Even if the plan is in place, new ideas or change requests may arise from test phases. It is right and important to take these seriously and to examine them.
When it is decided to make changes to the process, the consequences must always be considered: The change and the additional work will cause shifts in the schedule and project budget.
Companies that critically examine their change requests and make conscious and consistent decisions keep track of time and budget. Transparent communication on both sides not only ensures clarity, but also pays dividends in terms of good cooperation and trust. In this way, customers' wishes can be fulfilled in line with time and financial planning.

Clarified responsibilities and procedures control the project flow

Having the right contact person when you run into potentially critical situations ensures that the project runs smoothly. Roles often get mixed up or shifted in practice, but responsibilities, availabilities and contact persons must be clarified at the start of the project. A change of contact person must be communicated to all parties involved in order to ensure clear relationships.
The agreed process flows must be adhered to, and they must be returned to again and again so that the overall project remains on track. Of course, urgent issues will be resolved in an agile manner, but the focus of the project processes should not be lost.
More on the roles that are critical to successful Odoo implementation can be found in detail here:

Game changer: Consistent documentation

When discrepancies arise, or you want to get back to individual aspects discussed, complete and thorough documentation is worth its weight in gold. Even in the event of staff shortages, colleagues can step in and independently bring themselves up to date.
Complete, well-maintained documentation offers both sides security and stability in the course of the project. Agreements, such as arrangements for additional enhancements, notes on budget development, or proof of the current status of the project, are just a few sensible reasons to insist on continuous documentation. Well-maintained documentation also safeguards the project for potential critical situations.

Ensure quality project execution

At OBS Solutions, we ensure the quality of our project execution, primarily by training our employees.
Our extensive onboarding program is complemented by our continuous project management improvement program to provide a stable foundation. It includes all processes and procedures, which we have developed and continuously improved through our experience of many years of project implementation.
Start-ups and young companies can also benefit from this: We not only empower our own employees to independently optimize project management, but we also offer our customers support in these topics.

Become a best-practice example yourself and start your Odoo project with OBS.

Trust in the strong, professional and experienced Odoo Gold Partner.

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