ESG Reporting with Odoo
What to consider under the new regulations
13 septembre, 2024 par
OBS Solutions GmbH, Leonie Böcher

ESG Reporting with Odoo

In the last few years, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors have become a cornerstone of corporate strategy and investor decision-making. ESG reporting, which involves disclosing a company's performance in these areas, is transforming the business landscape. Here are some facts for the importance of reporting and how Odoo can help the company individually. 

What's ESG?


Energy Usage and Efficiency: Tracking total energy consumption, the proportion of energy from renewable sources and improvements in energy efficiency.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Measuring and disclosing emissions across Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 categories, setting reduction targets and reporting progress.

Water Usage and Management: Monitoring water consumption, recycling initiatives and impacts on local water sources.

Waste Management: Reporting total waste produced, recycling efforts and waste reduction programs.

Pollution and Environmental Impact: Assessing air and water pollution, soil contamination and biodiversity impacts.


Labor Practices and Conditions: Ensuring fair labor practices, workplace health and safety, and promoting diversity and inclusion.

Community Engagement: Investing in local communities and assessing the social impact of corporate activities.

Human Rights: Implementing policies to protect human rights and prevent violations like child and forced labor.

Customer Relations: Ensuring product safety and quality and protecting customer data and privacy.

Employee Development: Providing training, education and career development opportunities.

Equity and Inclusion: Promoting diversity and equal opportunity within the workplace.


Board Structure and Composition: Ensuring diversity and independence of the board.

Ethics and Compliance: Maintaining robust anti-corruption policies and ethical conduct programs.

Executive Compensation: Aligning executive pay with company performance and ensuring transparency.

Shareholder Rights: Protecting shareholder voting rights and engaging with minority shareholders.

Risk Management: Integrating ESG risks into the overall risk management framework.

Transparency and Reporting: Regularly disclosing ESG policies and performance in line with recognized standards.

New Legal Significance

ESG reporting is vital for fostering transparency, managing risks, attracting investment, improving operational efficiency, gaining a competitive edge, engaging employees, complying with regulations, and ensuring long-term sustainability. The EU-wide "Non-Financial Reporting Directive" (NRFD) has required certain companies to report since 2014. Large companies in the financial sector are particularly affected. 
Since the beginning of 2024, the NFRD has been gradually extended by the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), obliging significantly more companies, including those with fewer employees. All other large companies under accounting law will follow in 2025 and even capital market-oriented SMEs from 2026. 

Here are the most important changes: 

  • Extended, standardized reporting obligation: Companies must report more comprehensively and according to more uniform standards. Greater quantification of the report content by means of key figures is also intended to improve the measurability and comparability of the information.

  • New understanding of materiality: Companies are required to report on the effects of their business operations on people and the environment, as well as on how sustainability aspects impact the company. Previously, reporting was only mandatory if both materiality aspects were relevant.

  • External audit: In the future, sustainability reporting, akin to financial reporting, will require external audits. The EU Commission is currently establishing the standards for these audits. Initially, the audit will be conducted with limited assurance. Over time, this will progress to a reasonable assurance audit, which will be as comprehensive as the audits performed for financial reporting.

  • Part of the management report: To make sustainability information more accessible, it will become a mandatory part of the annual report. This demonstrates the importance of sustainability reporting, which should gradually be given the same status as traditional financial reporting.

  • Standardized electronic reporting format: From January 2020, certain listed companies will be required to file their accounts in the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF), which is equally readable by humans and machines. Consolidated financial statements in XHTML format will be marked with XBRL tags. Under the CSRD, this requirement is to be extended to sustainability reporting. To this end, the European Commission plans to publish its own XBRL taxonomy.

The rules have also become stricter in the USA. In March 2024, new SEC climate disclosure rules were adopted, adding to the existing rules including the European CSRD and the Californian disclosure rules. The changes pose a major challenge for strategic and transparent alignment, particularly in the long term but can also offer enormous new opportunities.

How Odoo can help

Having a complete overview about any topic can be very complicated and overwhelming. Odoo's modules can help with that! Here are a few examples:

Inventory & Manufacturing

Enables ressource tracking and management of waste, optimising the production chain and thereby reducing negative environmental impacts.

Project Management

Easier consolidation of projects and optimisation of time and resource utilisation.

Human Resources (HR)

Perfect overview of employees and diversity, optimisation of work space and company culture.


 Transparent and compliant accounting, improving budget and investment management.

We have already successfully implemented field extensions and reports. As a result, HR data, for example, can flow directly into the ESG report without having to use an external program. This saves time and a lot of effort, while at the same time complying with all regulations.

You would like to get to know more about ESG reporting with Odoo?

Contact us and find out how we can help your company to increase its workflows with special developments.

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