The risks of implementing Odoo on your own
How the right partner can prevent problems with your Odoo implementation
27 syyskuuta, 2024 kirjoittaja
OBS Solutions GmbH, Leonie Böcher

The risks of implementing Odoo on your own

As an open source ERP system, Odoo offers countless possibilities for mapping the needs of the company and thus increasing the workflow. But behind seemingly quick, uncomplicated configurations there are often entire processes that are difficult to properly assess without the necessary know-how. The introduction of the new software is therefore often underestimated and not properly planned. The following examples are intended to illustrate the scenarios and dangers that can occur if software is implemented without a partner.

Main Problems

Data Loss

Moving or implementing data quickly and carelessly without the necessary background knowledge can entail immense risks. In the worst case the consequences can be data loss, performance problems and an insecure system.

Integration Issues

Odoo may need to be integrated with other software applications already in use within the company. Without the expertise of a partner, such integrations can be error-prone and cause communication and data problems between the systems even if it seems easy to perform small configurations by yourself.

No Support

If the system is implemented in-house, there is a lack of continuous support, which leads to difficulties in maintaining and adapting the system. Problem solving and optimization is time-consuming and usually associated with high costs, as a solution has to be developed first.

Waste of time and money

An ERP system like Odoo requires careful planning, configuration, testing and user training. Without proper guidance, the implementation process can drag on far longer than anticipated. In the long term, this means higher costs and greater effort.

Limited functionality

A lack of knowledge about the system often means that the full potential is not utilized. The many possibilities offered by Odoo can usually not be recognized by a non-professional and as a result valuable skills that can make work easier are missed.

High Frustration

A slow, improperly running system leads to frustrated users both in the short and long term. In the event of problems, fast support cannot be relied on and tolerance towards a new system decreases.

Example: Website Issues

Odoo opens many doors of opportunity. But the full potential cannot be exploited without knowledge. To illustrate the problems that can arise when implementing a website on your own, take a look at the example scenario:   

  • The Situation: You want to rebuild your old website exactly and are now trying to do this yourself in the Odoo system. The Website Builder invites you to create or change something fast and easy, but you don't have the necessary expertise. The first problems appear and you try to solve them with different configurations under pressure, which only makes things worse.
  • Possible Problems: Your old website continues to be indexed and blocks the traffic for the new website. Helpful analysis tools are not known or haven't been properly integrated. Previous interfaces do not longer work, the performance is low and frustration increases. The errors now have to be expensively corrected and exceed the calculated time and money budget.
  • Our Solution: All obstacles can be overcome quickly and easily with our advice as an Odoo expert. With our Marketing Services, these issues can be eliminated already at the planning stage. We can achieve great things with just a few clicks and take away the stomach ache that you would have guaranteed with risky self-experiments.

Find more good reasons why you should implement Odoo with a partner, in our #whyodoo video series.

You want to avoid these mistakes right from the start?

Contact us and book a free demo to find out how Odoo can support your company to increase its workflows.

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