EMKA was looking for alternative business software for their existing business software (Canias), which was discontinued. Odoo was chosen over SAP and Microsoft solutions. Particularly convincing were the intuitive usability, clients mapping possibility, and accounting functions in one system for all countries. After only about one month of following the Proof of Concept, EMKA decided to work with OBS Solutions for Odoo implementation. The traditionally grown employee structure posed particular challenges to the acceptance and operation of the new software by the employees.
EMKA Beschlagteile GmbH & Co. KG
Die EMKA Beschlagteile GmbH & Co. KG ist Weltmarktführer für Schlösser, Scharniere und Dichtungen: höchste Qualität, große Vielfalt und modernste Produktionsverfahren.
EMKA currently operates in 8 locations and plans to add additional sales locations. For this purpose, EMKA planned to go live in a new location every 2 months with the new Odoo system. This includes the entire enterprise software, and all applications that are relevant to EMKA, like Accounting, Manufacturing, IoT, PoS, and e-Commerce. At EMKA, the most important customizations were for the accounting, manufacturing and logistics areas, and OBS Finance Solutions covered their group accounting and consolidation needs. In the process of implementation, the group found it more beneficial and efficient for EMKA to rebuild the old software in Odoo - which Odoo makes possible.
Business Benefits
Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Prozessteam von EMKA und OBS Solutions verlief sehr schnell und informationsreich, was zu einer schnellen Umsetzung von Änderungen führte.
EMKA profitiert von dem neu gewonnenen Überblick über seine internationalen Standorte. Auch die individuellen Anpassungen und die Unterstützung der lokalen Anforderungen an den verschiedenen Standorten erleichtern die tägliche Arbeit.