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OBS solution for membership options

The best solution is an OBS solution.
January 24, 2024 by
OBS solution for membership options
OBS Solutions GmbH, Hanna Wallulli

OBS solution for membership options

The Odoo Membership App already has many functions, but there is still more that Odoo can offer. The software offers many possibilities for customization and extension. That is why we at OBS Solutions have developed our OBS solution for membership options beyond the standard features of Odoo. 

Discover the additional functionalities the OBS solution for membership options offers beyond the standard Odoo features.

The strong roots of the OBS solution for membership options

Our OBS solution for membership option has its roots in a customer project that required extended membership management features that were not available in the standard Odoo module. We realized that the standard "Members" module of Odoo had not been updated for a long time, and our experts suspected this module might be completely removed from the Odoo offering or significantly changed in the future.

Upon further research, we found that the basic structure and logic of Odoo were perfect for extending and developing our own OBS solution for membership options. Our software experts built the Membership Module based on the strong, mature, and proven Odoo standard, ensuring that all the useful links and processes in the familiar Odoo environment were retained in our solution.

Importance of membership options for companies

Membership options allow for a more tailored and expanded catalog of offers. 
With membership options, companies can manage access and offer discounts based on membership status, providing a more personalized user experience for members. 

Advantages of the OBS solution for membership options

The OBS solution for membership options offers additional benefits by allowing you to tailor your work processes in the system to suit your business needs and your corporate communications. This allows you to address your target groups even more individually and personally, and benefit from the new user interface that provides a clear overview of all active members.

This solution offers several benefits. For example, you can configure your membership options to control the visibility of specific content for logged-in users. This ensures that members can only see certain content based on their membership status. This allows you to control the visibility of the various content that can be added in Odoo through individual blocks, which can be controlled individually for each membership status.

The default information in the profiles of portal users can be cleaned up for clear overviews. The feature also allows you to display links and information that are relevant for both portal users and members.

Functions and features of the OBS solution for membership options

The most important function of the OBS solution for membership options is the linking of sales to contacts: New fields on contacts and products allow for the display of membership information, making it possible to mark exclusive membership products.

On the contact cards, you will find the membership type (free or paid membership), membership start and end date, and the status of purchased membership products.

Membership products can also be limited in time and for certain membership levels. The OBS solution for membership options blocks the addition of multiple membership products so that only one membership is assigned to each contact at any given time.

Additional input and selection options have been added to the member profile in order to query further member information. For example, personal areas of interest can be entered here – this information is synchronized with the member's contact overview in the backend.

Example case: Purchase process with OBS solution for membership options

As part of the checkout process, the store user is asked to register or log in to their existing account. If they purchase a membership, it will be listed as a membership product in the shopping cart. The registered user with a membership will have access to a new area in their user account called the Membership Dashboard.

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