Interior House and its brand About Living specialize in construction, renovation, and interior design of high-quality properties for owners and investors.

Services / PMS Inventory / MRP CRM / Sales / Marketing


Interior House and its About Living brand was our first customer at OBS Solutions. They needed software to map their store, monitor the stock level and write invoices, as they had no store software before then. Their accounting software did not have sufficient PoS functions, and their cash register solution was limited to cash register functions only. Thus, they could not do all the desired functions, like mapping a warehouse. So, a member of the OBS team approached Interior House directly to introduce Odoo and the integrated solution approach.


About Living went live with its warehouse and store in the spring of 2016 after an implementation phase of only 2 months. Odoo now manages billing and store mapping for the company. They added other stores and were able to map all stores using Odoo, implemented by OBS Solutions. Interior House also requested OBS to create a website platform but these plans were achieved differently because project management has not yet been integrated into the Odoo system. Smaller form adjustments and adjustments in the area of reporting were made so that with the cloud system, a central overview for retrieving all figures is possible from anywhere in the world.

Interior House particularly benefits from the fact that the entire process with Odoo is now completely covered according to their ideas. The system is very lean and not prone to errors. The initial skepticism towards Odoo has given way to enthusiasm, as Odoo was able to demonstrate its valuable functionalities completely. The central overview of all areas is very crucial in the business and can now be accessed effortlessly. Interior House appreciates the reliable cooperation with OBS Solutions and has already carried out several upgrades together and intends to continue this collaboration with OBS Solutions.

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