Odoo's Marketing Apps Nov 26, 2020 Global Odoo Marketing Odoo offers you a whole lot in terms of Marketing and communication functionalities and allows you to manage all your Marketing campaigns within one integrated software. No matter if yo... Knowledge Read more
GoBD-Modul Aug 31, 2020 Germany GoBD-Modul In zunehmendem Maße werden Aufzeichnungen und Bücher digital gespeichert und erfasst und die GoBD ("Grundsätze zur ordnungsmäßigen Führung und Aufbewahrung von Büchern, Aufzeichnungen und U... Knowledge Read more
Why is Odoo such a great tool for remote work and home office? Apr 21, 2020 Global Why is Odoo such a great tool for remote work and home office? With the rapid developments of the past few weeks, many companies might have been painfully reminded that their business' IT infrastructu... Knowledge Read more
Odoo as a software development platform Jan 16, 2020 Global Odoo as a software development platform 100% individual process mapping based on comprehensive standard software Odoo is originally a development platform where almost any customization can be made. I... Knowledge Success Stories Read more
Digital- und Innovations-Förderung Jan 13, 2020 Germany Digital- und Innovations-Förderung Digitalisierung und Innovation sind für viele Unternehmen wichtige Stützpfeiler für Ihre zukünftige strategische Ausrichtung. Doch gerade Start-Ups und kleine und mi... Knowledge Read more
Odoo Cloud Hosting vs. traditional on-premise solutions Sep 19, 2019 Global Odoo Cloud Hosting vs. traditional on-premise solutions Within the past few years it has been noticeable that the market for ERP Software is moving towards cloud-based solutions. According to a study ... Knowledge Read more
Odoo - DATEV Schnittstelle Jul 11, 2019 Germany Odoo - DATEV Schnittstelle Das Schnittstellenmodul DATEV-ASCII deckt alle Anforderungen ab, die Sie für einen ordnungsgemäßen Export Ihrer Buchungen von Odoo nach DATEV benötigen. Der Import Ihrer Buc... Knowledge Read more
Why Odoo Business Management Software? Jun 11, 2019 Global Why Odoo Business Management Software? Odoo is not "just" another ERP system - Odoo is a complete business solution. Companies have relied on software systems to streamline their processes, get data v... Knowledge Read more