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The Odoo Roadshow in Antwerpen with OBS!

Meet our belgian office at the Odoo Roadshow 2023 in Belgium!
August 15, 2023 by
The Odoo Roadshow in Antwerpen with OBS!
OBS Solutions GmbH, Hanna Wallulli

The Odoo-Roadshow in Antwerpen with OBS!

The next Odoo Roadshow 2023 with OBS Solutions is planned. We look forward to a personal exchange with you. Ask all your questions directly to our Odoo experts. Our belgian office will be present at Odoo Roadshow 2023 in Antwerpen, Belgium.

Every year, Odoo releases a new version of its ERP software. The latest version will be presented by our Odoo experts at the Odoo Roadshow on  September  5th in Antwerpen. Visit the event and explore the many opportunities the Odoo software offers for all kinds of industries!



6 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.


6:15 p.m. - 8 p.m.


8 p.m. - 9 p.m.

After a short welcome at 6:00 p.m., we invite you to a presentation and demonstration of the Odoo software starting around 6:15 p.m., which will end around 8:00 p.m. The event closes with a networking part, which offers the opportunity to network with each other with delicious snacks and ice-cold drinks in hand.

Sign up now!

Odoo Roadshow 2023

Antwerpen, Belgium

Hilton Antwerp Old Town | Groenplaats 32 | 2000 Antwerpen | Belgium


We are happy to be your local business partner.

Trust in our expertise and discuss your Odoo project with our team.

# News

5 Redenen waarom het  interessant is nu een bedrijfsmanagement software (ERP) te  implementeren