What’s new in Odoo 15?
Discover the best Odoo 15 implementations
20 October, 2021 by
What’s new in Odoo 15?
OBS Solutions GmbH, Hanna Wallulli

What’s new in Odoo 15?

Odoo 15 just has been released and - WOW - there comes a ton of new features and improvements to optimize your workflows! To give you a quick overview we have collected some of the best and biggest implementations of the new Odoo version.


First, it is to say that Odoo 15 comes up with an overall enhanced sales module, which includes a more informative sales dashboard. One of the new features is that you can now mark products as favorites and filter for this section. Besides the new display type for products called ‘pills’ another significant feature is the improvement of the unit of measure by adding categories and highlighting the reference unit of measure. Customer signatures on a sales order can now be automated. The new implementation of tags allows you to group a segment of information to identify and organize, e.g., quotations. The redesigned import data now has a progress bar which shows you the current status of the import. Finally, there are many more sales and promotion features to check out.


With the introduction of a new Website Wizard, it is now easier than ever to create your own website in no time. Create a fully customizable first version of your website with your choice of color pallet and key website features. This includes, for example, using images that capture the choices you made earlier. Images can now be edited with different shapes, changing colors and animations. In addition to that there is a generally improved e-commerce page containing new layouts, a feature to easily add new products and the implementation of social links to share the products’ page on social media. Two of the other new functions are the configurable donation tool and the option to manage gift cards connected to the Point of Sale.

Point of Sale

There have been added several new functions, maximizing the speed and usability of the Point of Sale’s App. One of the biggest features is the possibility to let the system only load a limited number of customers at the opening, which saves a lot of time. In addition to a new shipping later option, you can now add customer notes to be printed on the receipt and see the customer display. The Point of Sale’s App is now combinable with the new gift card function and the loyalty programs.


With the new function of multi teams, it is now an option to assign for example a sales person into multiple sales teams instead of only one. Another feature is the rule based assignment to collect different information about the website traffic conditions. As it is pulling leads out, it can use these rules to create opportunities. Another big feature is the new spreadsheet integration, which offers an improved formula bar and can be fed with ERP data in real time.


The manufacturing app in Odoo 15 contains some small reliefs, such as the edited Bill of Material. It is now easier than ever before to work with certain selectable quality and frequency points. You can now create a worksheet with its own points, and there even is a mass production function. Other points are the easy generation of serial codes and the new OCR function, which helps you to communicate from machine to machine or from machine to an OCR system. Finally, there is a new possibility to directly give information  to a sub company.


In the inventory app, you can now find a lot more options than before. Implementations such as storage categories, different package types, sub locations and automated rules to tell where the products should be stored help conceptualizing your workflows. In addition to that there is a new closest location removal strategy and a reception report has been added. You can now choose certain operation types, which will help to define your reservation processes. Not to forget is that you can also find significant backend improvements inside the inventory system.


As part of the US localization, Odoo 15 enables you to submit your 1099 reports electronically. In addition, you can now easily create the corresponding CSV file and generate NACHA files with the new NACHA payments module. Another cool feature is the automatically self-updating spreadsheet. Depending on the different countries, you can find many more improvements.

Time Off & Timesheet

With Odoo 15 the Time Off app has received a redesigned dashboard with many different options. For example, you can now convert extra hours into Time Off. New in the Timesheets App is the ability to easily validate timesheets, saving you valuable time.


The Project’s App also has been significantly improved. There now is a better overview of projects in general and a lot of more features, such as easily sharing projects as read or edited by copying a link or sending it directly to people by email. This gives you the ability to share a project with people or companies who do not own an Odoo license. A few other amazing functions are the implementation of a burn down chart and the ability to use html blocks inside of your tasks. This gives you flexibility in creating a rich task description. Finally, you can also use the Favourites option in this App.

Odoo Studio

In the new Odoo 15 Studio version it is now possible to easily add and edit graphs, create statistic buttons and add custom fields. Another feature is the improvements to the model configurator, including automatic report views and color Kanban cards.


With Odoo 15 you can now easily invite users to a meeting by sending out invitation links. The module has been enhanced with the implementation of group chats and (video) calls.


In the settings, you are now able to create a report with different settings fitting your special needs. For example, there is a new possibility to add a layout, watermark or background to your document. There is also a new way to print labels in different formats and to scan QR codes with a variety of information.

As you can see there are already a lot of new features described in this blog. But maybe this is not enough for you? If you want to find out which of the announced features are now really part of the new Odoo version, check out our previous blog about the expected features in Odoo 15.

Read more

In the future, we will give our best to give you more insights of the various improvements in Odoo 15. So stay tuned!

You would like to get to know more about Odoo 15 and OBS as a partner?

Contact us and book a free demo to find out how Odoo can help your company to increase its workflows.

# News

Solutions for Laboratory Operation
Odoo is now available to use in laboratories with extensions from OBS